The Project Bluebook "Unknowns": - уфология и палеоконтакт

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The Project Bluebook "Unknowns"

  Литература, Уфология

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3:15 p.m. Witness: USAF T/Sgt. B.R. Hughes. Five or six circular objects, bright white but not shiny, circled in trail formation for 5-6 minutes.

Oct. 1, 1952; Shaw AFB, South Carolina. 6:57 p.m. Witness: USAF lst Lt. T.J. Pointek, pilot of RF-8O reconnaissance jet. One bright white light flew straight, then vertical, then hovered, and then made an abrupt turn during a 23 minute attempted intercept.

Oct. 1, 1952; Pascagoula, Mississippi. 7:40 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. C.C. McLean and one other person. One round, milky-white object, shaped like a powder puff, hovered for 5-10 minutes then flew away very fast in an arc. A loud blast was heard at the start of the 22 minute sighting.

Oct. 7, 1952; Alamagordo, New Mexico. 8:30 p.m. Witness: USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, flew straight and level for 4-5 seconds, covering 30 in that time.

Oct. 10, 1952; Otis AFB, Massachusetts. 6:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF S/Sgt., two other enlisted men. One blinking white light moved like a pendulum for 20 minutes, and then shot straight up.

Oct. 17, 1952; Taos, New Mexico. 9:15 p.m. Witnesses: Four USAF officers One round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast at an elevation of 45* for 2-3 seconds and then burned out.

Oct. 17, 1952; Killeen, Texas. 10:15 p.m. Witnesses: Ministers Greenwalt and Kluck. Ten lights, or a rectangle of lights, moved more or less straight and level for 5 seconds.

Oct. 17, 1952; Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. 11 p.m. Witness: one military person (no detail). One white streamer moved at an estimated 3,000 m.p.h. in an arc for 20 seconds. No further details in files.

Oct. 19, 1952; San Antonio, Texas. 1:30 p.m. Witness: one ex-USAF aircrewman Woolsey. Three circular aluminum objects, one of which was olive-drab colored on the side, flew in a rough V-formation. One object flipped slowly, another object stopped, during the 3-4 minute sighting.

Oct. 19. 1952; 500 miles south of Hawaii. 6:58 p.m. Witnesses: crew of USAF C-50 transport plane. One round yellow light, with a red glowing edge, estimated at 100' in diameter, flew at 300-400 kts. (350-450 m.p.h.) for 20 seconds.

Oct. 21, 1952; Knoxville, Tennessee. No time given. Witnesses: persons at airport weather station. Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 minutes, and made a shallow dive at a weather balloon.

Oct. 24, 1952; Elberton, Alabama. 8:26 p.m. Witnesses: USAF Lt. Rau, Capt. Marcinko, flying a Beech T-ll trainer. One object, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague trail, flew with its concave surface forward for 5 seconds.

Oct. 29, 1952; Erding Air Depot, West Germany. 7:50 a.m. Witnesses: USAF S/Sgt. Anderson, A/2c Max Handy. One round object, silhouetted against a cloud, flew straight and level and smooth at 400 m.p.h. for 20 seconds.

Oct. 31, 1952; Fayetteville, Georgia. 7:40 p.m. Witness: USAF Lt. James Allen. One orange, blimp-shaped object, 80' long and 20' high, flew at treetop level, crossed over Allen's car (at which time his radio stopped playing), then climbed out at 45' and tremendous speed at the end of a 1 minute sighting.

Nov. 3, 1952; Laredo AFB, Texas. 66:29 p.m. Witnesses: two control tower operators, including Lemaster. One long, elliptical, white-grey light flew very fast, paused, and then increased speed during a 3-4 second observation.

Nov. 4, 1952; Vineland, New Jersey. 5:40 p.m. Witness: housewife Mrs. Sprague. Two groups of 2-3 whirling discs of light flew toward the southeast over a period of 30 seconds.

Nov. 12, 1952; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10:23 p.m. Witness: security inspector. Four red-white-green lights flew slowly over a prohibited area for 15 minutes.

Nov. 13, 1952; Opheim, Montana. 2:20 a.m. Witness: radar tracking by USAF 779th AC&W station. An unexplained track was followed for 1 hour, 28 minutes, at 158,000' altitude (30 miles) and a speed of 240 m.p.h. Radar was FPS/3 (PPI).

Nov. 13, 1952; Glasgow, Montana. 2:43 a.m. Witness: U.S. Weather Bureau observer Earl Oksendahl. Five oval-shaped objects, with lights all around them, flew in a V-formation for about 20 seconds. Each object seemed to be changing position vertically by climbing or diving as if to hold formation. Formation came from the northwest, made a 90* overhead, and flew away to the southwest.

Nov. 15, 1952; Wichita, Kansas. 7:02 a.m. Witnesses: USAF Maj. R.L. Wallander, Capt. Belleman, A/3c Phipps. One orange object (a blue streak?) varied in shape, as it made jerky upward sweeps with 10-15 second pauses during a 3-5 minute sighting.

Nov. 24, 1952; Annandale, Virginia. 6:30 p.m. Witness: L.L' Brettner. One round, glowing object flew very fast, made right angle turns and reversed course during a 1 hour sighting.

Nov. 27, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 12:10 p.m. Witnesses: pilot and crew chief of UAAF B-26 bomber. A series of black smoke bursts (4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, was seen over a 20 minute period.C. 12:30 a.m. Witnesses: radar

Nov. 30, 1952; Washington, D.C. l operators at Washington National Airport. Radar trackings similar to those of July 26, 1952.

Dec. 8, 1952; Ladd AFB, Alaska. 8:16 p.m. Witnesses: pilot lst Lt. D. Dickman and radar operator lst Lt. T. Davies in USAF F-94 jet interceptor (s/n 49-2522). One white, oval light which changed to red at higher altitude, flew straight and level for 2 minutes, then climbed at phenomenal speed on an erratic flight path. Sighting lasted 10 minutes.

Dec. 9, 1952; Madison, Wisconsin. 5:45 p.m. Witnesses: Capt. Bridges and lst Lt. Johneon in USAF T-33 jet trainer. Four bright lights, in diamond formation, flew at 400 m.p.h. and were passed by the T-33 at 450 m.p.h. during the 10 minute sighting.

Dec. 28, 1952; Marysville, California. Case missing from official files.

Bluebook Part 4

Jan. 1, 1953; Craig, Montana. 8:45 p.m. Witnesses: Warner Anderson and two women. A silver, saucer-shaped object with a red glowing bottom, flew low over a river and then climbed fast in a horizontal attitude. Ten second sighting.

Jan. 8, 1953; Larson AFB, Washington. 7:15 a.m. Witnesses: men from the 82nd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, including the squadron commander; all were on the ground. One green, disc- shaped or round object flew southwest for 15 minutes, with a vertically bobbing motion and sideways movements, below clouds.

Jan. 10, 1953; Sonoma, California. 3:45 p.m. or 4 p.m. Witnesses: retired Col.

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