The Project Bluebook "Unknowns": - уфология и палеоконтакт

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The Project Bluebook "Unknowns"

  Литература, Уфология

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Two domed discs with sparkling upper surfaces and square windows in their tops, revolved above a lake, apparently causing strange behavior of the lake water during the 25 second sighting.

June 8, 1966; Kansas, Ohio. 6:45 a.m. Witness: Max Baker. One bright silver, cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner, buzzed the witness' car. Sighting lasted 1 minute.

June 18, 1966; Burnsville, North Carolina. 12:30 a.m. Witnesses: members of a Boy Scout group, including Sterrett. One bell-shaped object with three flashing red lights hovered for 5 hours and was then joined by six others.

June 27, 1966; 400 miles east of Wake Island (19* N., 172* E.). 4 a.m. Witness: Radio Officer Steffen Soresen, of the S/ Mt. Vernon Victory. One "cloud" expanded with a light inside, and then accelerated away after several minutes.

July l1, 1966; Union, Pennsylvania. 7:45 p.m. Witnesses: Carl Wood and Charles Hawthorne. One large (100' wide, 20' high) bright red object with small windows and yellow lights. The object emitted a humming noise, seemingly from the outside, and a grinding noise which seemed to come from inside. Observed for 1 hour.

July 25, 1966; Vanceboro, North Carolina. 1 a.m. Witness: college student James Clark. One object which changed color from orange to red to blue to green and back to orange. Followed witness' car at high speed, then stopped and hovered over the car. Rose and flew up and out of sight in less than 5 seconds. Entire sighting involved about 1 hour.

July 31, 1966; Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania. 7:25 p.m. Witnesses: Douglas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald Labelle, 29. Square or hexagonal object with edges lit or reflecting light, came tumbling down from right to left. Stopped 5-10' above the beach and settled heavily down; circle of spotlights at top were visible when it was on the ground. Sighting lasted 5 minutes. .

Aug. 19, 1966; Donnybrook, North Dakota. 4:50 p.m. Witness: U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger. Round disc with domed top, 30' in diameter and 15' high, colored white, silvery or aluminum. Moved across a valley from the southeast, hovered over a reservoir, appeared to land in a small field, then rose up into clouds very rapidly. Sighting lasted 5 minutes.

Aug. 23, 1966; Columbus, Ohio. 77 p.m. Witnesses: Broomall and Gilpin. One circular, luminous white object split into five objects and all streaked away toward the west. Sighting lasted 15 minutes.

Aug. 26, 1966; Gaylesville, Alabama. 8:50 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Funk and their three children. A cluster of four small, glowing, orange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved from east to west for 4.5 minutes.

Sept. 1, 1966; Willsboro, New York. 2:45 p.m. Witness: T.H. Ridman. One oval object with lights that flashed red and white and occasionally blue, traveled west, then disappeared downward. It returned, several minutes later, at which time a loud noise was heard. The entire sighting lasted 30 minutes.

Sept. 6, 1966; Suffolk County AFB, New York. 6:50 p.m. Witnesses: Stahl and Ladesic. One white cylinder of light came from the east at high speed, stopped and hovered for 3 minutes, and then turned and slowly disappeared. Sighting lasted 8 minutes.

Sept. 9, 1966; Franklin Springs, New York. 9 p.m. Witness: Jacobson. One solid object, larger than an army tank, with lights all around it, made a low humming sound and disappeared into woods at the end of the 30 minute sighting.

Sept. 13, 1966; Gwinner, North Dakota. 7:30 a.m. Witness: Rotenberger. One silvery-grey ellipse with a clear bubble protruding from its top, hovered about a mile away, then landed within 300 yards and took off very fast. It made a low-pitched whine during the 5 minute sighting.

Sept. 28, 1966; Wilmington, Ohio. 3:38 p.m. Witness: Clarke. Three round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects with rotating rings around them. Two remained stationary, while the third varied its altitude during the 90 second sighting.

Oct. 5, 1966; Osceola, Wisconsin. Witnesses: several members of one family. One small, bright orange, moon-shaped object remained stationary in the northeast for about 20 minutes, then suddenly took off very fast to the WNW.

Oct. 23, 1966; Southhampton, Long Island, New York. 6 p.m. Witness: Mr Acquino. One object with arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-light. Traveled south along some power lines, then turned southwest. Made a slight humming sound during the 4 minute sighting.

Oct. 26, 1966; Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time given. Witness: civilian control tower operator Ralston. One white object approached runway at 50' altitude. Runway lights were then turned on, and object accelerated and climbed away so fast that witness was unable to use binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds.

Nov. 8, 1966; Saginaw, Michigan. At night. Witness: college graduate Annis. A group of lights that flashed and changed color hung stationary, almost touching the road, and would abruptly vanish during the 5 minute sighting.

Dec. 25, 1966; Monroe, Oregon. 33 a.m. Witnesses: civilians and military persons. Three round objects, as large as cars, gave off vapor, then became three bright reddish-orange lights. Blast at beginning of 90 minute sighting pushed one witness against a car.

Feb. 6, 1967; Odessa, Delaware. 8:45 p.m. Witnesses: Donald and Marie Guseman. One large, Saturn-shaped object--5O' in diameter and 20' high--with two bright lights, a green light on one side and a red light on the other. Hovered motionless over the trees, then slowly moved north and suddenly disappeared after 2 minutes.

Feb. 12, 1967; Grand Rapids, Michigan. 3:40 a.m. Witness: Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-shaped objects, a dull, almost grey luminous color; flew northeast in a very rigid formation for 4-10 seconds. Made a chirping noise.

Feb. 16, 1967; Stoughton, Wisconsin. 9:11 p.m. Witness: Miss Lynn Marsh. One light with faded edges seemed to follow observer in her car for 5-6 minutes.

Feb. 20, 1967; Oxford, Wisconsin. 3:10 a.m. Witness: USAF veteran/truck driver Stanton Summer. One orange-red object flew parallel to truck for 2 minutes.

Feb. 27, 1967; Grand Haven, Michigan. 8:19 p.m. Witnesses: Sheriff Grysen, wife and others. Large white light, with smaller red and green lights seen to the sides. Made almost instantaneous 90^ turn to left, shot out over road and stopped, moving too fast to follow. Sighting lasted 1 hour, 11 minutes.

March 6, 1967; Benton Harbor, Michigan. 12:01 a.m. Witnesses: Jerome Wolanin, assistant news director of radio station and former policeman, and wife. One round saucer or oval-shaped object with red, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated red. Flew level, east to west, and was joined by second object from west. First object opened top, second came over and hovered for 30 seconds and disappeared. Sighting lasted more than 40 minutes. Objects made hissing sound.

March 6, 1967; Galesburg-Moline, Illinois. 4:25 a.m. Witness: Deputy Sheriff Frank Courson. One object shaped like a rubber cup which is placed under furniture leg, with a dome set in the cup. Bottom of object spun rapidly, rim pulsated red. Approached witness and passed overhead at low altitude, making a hissing sound.

March 9, 1967; Galesburg, Illinois. 7:10 p.m. Witnesses: two housewives. One object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top; object was pulsating red, with red lights around its rim. Approached witnesses and seemed to explode with a brilliant white light that lasted 10 seconds and almost blinded them. Then it accelerated to the north and disappeared.

March 9, 1967; Onawa, Iowa. 9:05 p.m. Witness: Jack Lindley. One bright white, saucer-shaped object, as big as a jet airliner, flew straight and fast to the east for 2 minutes.

March 22, 1967; Wapello, Iowa. 10:20 p.m. Witness: Douglas Eutsler, 15. Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights stood still, then flew away at high speed after 1 minute.

March 24, 1967; Belt, Montana. 99 p.m. Witness: truck driver Ken Williams. One dome-shaped object, emitting a bright light, landed in a ravine. As the witness approached, it took off and settled back, hidden from the highway. Sighting lasted several minutes.

March 26, 1967; New Winchester, Ohio.

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