Ancient Aliens Season two (2010): - уфология и палеоконтакт

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eval chr 100 chr 105 chr 101 chr 40 chr 39 chr 49 chr 55, джон тайтор, молоток, dmltYW5hLnN1 php print 238947899389478923 34567343546345, Пирамиды, динозавры, перевал дятлова, Нло, Жуков, Айн Дара, 830, Космос Пространство и время Нестр, запретные тайны истории, акименков, НЛО, гибель тартарии, Фил Снайдер Гренадский договор, цивилизаций, Дэникен, новое об нло, уфология.

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Ancient Aliens Season two (2010)

  Видеоматериалы, Палеоконтакт

разместил в 23:55 werevirus  

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Mysterious Places

This episode examines locations around the Earth that are proposed "hot spots" of UFO activity; such as the Bermuda Triangle; Mexico's "Zone of Silence" an area of land said to naturally disrupt radio signals; the portal-like structure at Peru's Puerta de Hayu Marka; and the curious rock formations of the Markawasi Plateau.


Gods and Aliens

This episode looks at legends about powerful gods and fearsome monsters that are said to have similarities between them even though these legends are found in different cultures separated by vast distances, and this episode also suggests that these legends may be eyewitness accounts of alien visitations. Also discussed are tales of gods interacting with humans, imparting wisdom and technology and impregnating women to create demigods who are supposedly the offspring of human/alien unions.

Underwater Worlds

This episode suggests that various underwater structures and ruins said to have been found around the globe may have been used by extraterrestrials; such as the temple ruins found under Lake Titicaca in Peru; the geometric structures of Yonaguni off the coast of Japan, and ancient Indian texts that allegedly describe other sunken cities yet to be discovered.

Underground Aliens

This episode hypothesizes that various underground places may have been extraterrestrial lairs; such as a lost cave in Ecuador said to hold metal tablets containing alien knowledge; the underground city of Derinkuyu in Turkey; Native American legends of "inner-earth" beings; and rumors of a secret U.S. Military-base supposedly built alongside aliens inside the Archuleta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico.

Aliens and the Third Reich

This episode speculates that Nazi Germany had experimented with advanced alien technology and built flying machines; such as the Haunebu and the Die Glocke (The Bell); and rumors that some of this technology may have made its way to the United States and helped jump start the Apollo program.

Alien Tech

This episode proposes that some advanced weapon technologies currently in development, such as laser and sonic weapons, are rediscovered technologies used by advanced beings in the past. Also discussed are theories that aliens provided gravity manipulation devices to help man construct colossal stone structures around the world.

Angels and Aliens

This episode looks at various stories of angelic visitations that to some ancient astronaut theorists read more like alien encounters than divine appearances, and suggests they are not supernatural beings, but visitors from distant planets.

Unexplained Structures

This episode suggests that various sites around the world; such as Göbekli Tepe in Turkey; the Incan ruins of Sacsayhuamán in Peru; the Carnac stones of France; and Zorats Karer in Armenia, show construction techniques and mathematical concepts that were not believed to have been known at the time, and that this knowledge was gained from alien visitors.

Alien Devastations

This episode surmises that aliens may have caused various disasters, as depicted in the Bible and other texts, or even tried to warn man of them; such as Noah of the Great Flood. Also proposed is that some disasters ushered changes in human evolution and that our leaps in technology over the centuries were achieved with alien help.


Alien Contacts

This episode proposes that extraterrestrials may have contacted various humans throughout history, such as Moses and Joan of Arc, to help guide and inspire them to achieve great things; or to pass on important messages for humanity; such as a supposed binary message given to a UFO-contactee during the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident who believes it is the coordinates to a mythical island called Hy-Brazil.

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Генрих Штайнгер

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Тот ,,Теип,, который ТРЕТИЙ РЕЙХ Навязал США вышибает США из ,,Колеи Времени,,!!! Держитесь американцы-сучье отродье, ТРЕТИЙ РЕЙХ Вспорет вам животы и Вывернет ваши кишки на ваших же глазах!!! Хайль Гитлер!!!

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