The Project Bluebook "Unknowns": - уфология и палеоконтакт

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The Project Bluebook "Unknowns"

  Литература, Уфология

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1:42 p.m. Witness: CAA Chief Aircraft Communicator Roy Messmore at Hulman Municipal Airport. One round silver object flew directly overhead, reaching the horizon in 15 seconds. Note: a very similar incident happened 3 minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) and was also listed as "unidentified" for several years, but was eventually reclassified.

Oct. 11, 1951; Minneapolis, Minnesota. 6:30 a.m. Witnesses: General Mills balloon researchers, including aeronautical engineer J.J. Kaliszewski, aerologist C.B. Moore, pilot Dick Reilly in the air, and Doug Smith on the ground. The flight crew saw the first object, a brightly glowing one with a dark underside and a halo around it. The object arrived high and fast, then slowed and made slow climbing circles for about two minutes, and finally sped away to the east. Soon they saw another one, confirmed by ground observers using a theodolite, which sped across the sky. Total time first object was seen was 5 minutes, second was a few seconds.

Nov. 18, 1951; Washington, D.C. 3:20 a.m. Witnesses: Crew of Capital Airlines DC-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Senior air traffic controller Tom Selby. One object with several lights, followed the DC-4 for about 20 minutes and then turned back.

Nov. 24, 1951; Mankato, Minnesota. 33:53 p.m. Witnesses: USAF or ANG pilots W.H. Fairbrother and D.E. Stewart in P-51 Mustangs. One milky white object shaped like Northrop flying wing (broad, slightly swept-back wing with no fuselage or tail). Estimated 8' span. Flew straight and level for 5 seconds.

Dec. 7, 1951; Sunbury, Ohio. 4:30 p.m. Witness: amateur astronomer Carl Loar. One silvery sphere seen through telescope. Two specks sighted at sides, object seemed to explode and was replaced by a dark cloud and many specks. 30 minutes.

Dec. 7, 1951; Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 8:15 a.m. Witness: Atomic Energy Commission guard J.H. Collins. One 20' square object, white-grey but not shiny flew above ridge to clouds and back again twice, taking 30-40 seconds each time.

Feb. 11, 1952; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 3 a.m. Witnesses: Capt. G.P. Arns and Maj. R.J. Gedson flying a Beech AT-ll trainer. One yellow-orange comet-shaped object pulsed flame for 1-2 seconds of a 1 minute straight and level flight.

Feb. 23, 1952; over North Korea. 11:15 p.m. Witness: Captain/B-29 navigator. One bluish cylinder, three times long as wide, with a tail and rapid pulsations, came in high and fast, made several turns and leveled out under B-29 which was evading mild antiaircraft fire. 45 second sighting.

March 20, 1952; Centreville, Maryland. 10:42 p.m. Witnesses: WWl/WW2 veteran A.D. Hutchinson and son. One dull orange-yellow saucer-shaped light flew straight and level very fast for 30 seconds.

March 23, 1952; Yakima, Washington. 6:56 and 7 p.m. Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of F-94 jet interceptor. On either occasion, a red fireball increased in brightness and then faded over 45 second span. Stationary both times. Note: Project Blue Book Status Report #7 (May 31, 1952) says target was also tracked by ground radar at 78 knots (90 m.p.h.) at 22,500' and 25,000' altitude.

Bluebook Part 2

March 24, 1952; 60 miles west of Pt. Concepcion, California. 8:45 a.m. Witnesses: B-29 navigator and radar operator. One target tracked for 20-30 seconds at estimated 3,000 m.p.h.

March 29, 1952; 20 miles north of Misawa AFB, Japan. 11:20 a.m. Witness: Brigham, pilot of AT-6 trainer. One small, very thin, shiny metallic disc flew alongside the AT-6, then made a pass at an F-84 jet fighter, flipped on edge, fluttered 20' from the F-84's fuselage and flipped in the slipstream...all in 10 seconds.

April 4, 1952; Duncanville, Texas. 7:30 p.m. Witnesses: two radar operators of the 147th AC&W Squadron. One object was tracked for one minute by radar at an estimated 2,160 m.p.h.

April 5, 1952; Phoenix, Arizona. l0:40 a.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Ryan, R.L. Stokes, D. Schook. One large, dull grey circular object, followed by two more, flew straight and level at high speed.

April 5, 1952; Miami, Florida. 9:15 p.m. Witnesses: L.E. VanDercar and 9 year old son. Four dark circular objects with mostly fuzzy edges, crossed face of Moon; each was half the apparent diameter of Moon. 2:59 p.m. Witness: H.L. Russell.

April 6, 1952; Temple, Texas. 2:59 p. 50-75 grey-white discs changed position within formation continually, tilted in unison every 12-15 seconds during 3.8 minute sighting.

April 12, 1952; North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 9:30 p.m. Witnesses: Royal Canadian Air Force Warrant Officer E.H. Rossell, Flight Sgt. R. McRae. One round amber object flew fast, stopped, reversed direction, climbed away at 30' angle during a 2 minute observation.

April 14, 1952; LaCrosse, Wisconsin. 12:35 p.m. Witness: unidentified CAL airline pilot. Several light colored objects flew in V-formation. No further details in files.

April 14, 1952; Memphis, Tennessee. 6:34 p.m. Witnesses: U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' long and 1' high, with vertical slots, flew fast, straight and level, 100 yards from observers' aircraft for 45-60 seconds.

April 15, 1952; Santa Cruz, California. 7:40 p.m. Witness: Mr. Hayes, brother of Master Sergeant. Two faint objects observed flying fast along the horizon for 6-8 seconds, using 20x spotting telescope.

April 17, 1952; Longmeadow, Massachusetts. 8:30 p.m. Witnesses: S.B. Brooks, chemical engineer J.A. Eaton. One round, deep orange object flew fast and erratic, occasionally emitting a shaft of light to the rear during a 40 minute sighting.

April 17, 1952; Yuma, Arizona. 3:05 p.m. Witnesses: group of Army weather observation students, including several graduate engineers. One flat-white, circular object flew with an irregular trajectory and a brief trail, for about 7 seconds.

April 18, 1952; Yuma, Arizona. Time unknown. Witnesses: two Army weather observation students. One flat-white circular object flew for 5-10 seconds in a very erratic manner.

April 18, 1952; Bethesda, Maryland. l1:30 a.m. Witnesses: R. Poerstal and three other men. Seven to nine circular, orange-yellow lights in a 40^ V-formation flew overhead silently for 4-8 seconds, from south to north.

April 18, 1952; Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. l0:l0 p.m. Witness: reporter Chic Shave. One round, yellow-gold object flew south and returned during 1.5 minute sighting.

April 18, 1952; 50 miles northwest of Kyushu, Japan (129* 51' E., 34' 19' N.). Witness: one radar operator. Tracked unidentified target for 1 minute at 2,700 m.p.h.

April 18, 1952; Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. 4 a.m. Witness: janitor C. Hamilton. One yellow-gold object made a sharp turn and left a short, dark trail during l minute sighting.

April 22, 1952; Naha AFB, Okinawa. 99 p.m. Witnesses: crew of B-29 bomber, on ground. One elliptical object, followed by two and then another two, each with a white light that blinked every 1-2 seconds as they performed erratic maneuvers for 10 minutes.

April 24, 1952; Bellevue Hill, Vermont. 5 a.m. Witnesses: crew of USAF C-124 transport plane. Three circular, bluish objects in loose "fingertip" formation twice flew parallel to airplane during 3-4 minute period.

April 24, 1952; Milton, Massachusetts. 2:30 p.m. Witnesses: three Cambridge Research Center electronics engineers, one named Buruish. Two flat, red squares flew wobbly in level flight, climbed, leveled out during 1.5 minute observation.

April 24, 1952; Clovis, New Mexico. 8:10 p.m. Witness: USAF light Surgeon Maj. E.L. Ellis. Many orange-amber lights, sometimes separate, sometimes fused, behaved erratically. Speed varied from motionless to very fast during 5 minute sighting.

April 27, 1952; Roseville, Michigan. 4:15 p.m. Witnesses: H.A. Freytag and three male relatives, including a minister. One silver oval rolled, descended and stopped.

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