The Project Bluebook "Unknowns": - уфология и палеоконтакт

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The Project Bluebook "Unknowns"

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Mahone, A/3c Jennings. One amber-colored, elliptical-shaped object with a small flame at the rear, periodically increased in brightness. It moved very fast for l 1/2 minutes, giving off a resonant beat sound.

July 18, 1952; Miami, Florida. 11 a.m. Witnesses: E. R. Raymer and daughter. One opaque, silvery bubble flew very fast at a right-angle to the wind direction for 10 seconds.

July 18, 1952; Patrick AFB, Florida. 9:45 p.m. Witnesses: three USAF officers and four enlisted men. Over an hour period, a series of hovering and maneuvering red-orange lights were observed moving in a variety of directions.

July 19, 1952; Williston, North Dakota. 2:55 a.m. Witness: one experienced civilian pilot. One elliptical-shaped object with a light fringe, traveled down fast, made a 360* and then a 180* turn in 5 minutes.

July 19, 1952; Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. 11:35 p.m. Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. C.J. powley and wife. Two star-like lights maneuvered, hovered and sped for 5-7 minutes.

July 20, 1952; Lavalette, New Jersey. 12:20 a.m. Witness: Seton Hall Univ. chemistry professor Dr. A.B. Spooner. Two large orange-yellow lights with some dull red coloring flew in trail, turned and circled for 5-6 minutes.

July 21, 1952; Weisbaden, West Germany. 6:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF pilot Capt. E.E. Dougher, WAF Lt. J.J. Stong, situated miles apart. Four bright yellowish lights were seen by Dougher to separate, with two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direction. Stong watched two reddish lights fly in opposite directions. Sightings lasted about 10-15 minutes.

July 21, 1952; San Marcos AFB, Texas. 10:40 p.m. Witnesses: one Lieutenant, two Staff Sergeants, three airmen. One blue circle with a blue trail was seen to hover and then accelerate to near-sonic speed (700+ m.p.h.) after 1 minute.

July 21, 1952; Converse, Texas. 4:30 p.m. Witness: wife of USAF Capt. J. B. Neal. One elongated, fuselage-shaped object flew straight and level, made a right-angle turn and went out of sight at more than 300 m.p.h., all in 3-5 seconds.

July 21, 1952; Rockville, Indiana. 8:10 p.m. Witnesses: one military officer, two enlisted men. One aluminum, delta-shaped object with a vertical fin, flew straight and level, and then hovered during a 3 minute sighting.

July 22, 1952; Holyoke, Massachusetts. After midnight. Witness: Mrs. A. Burgess. One round, yellow, flashing light went downward. No further information in files.

July 22, 1952; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10:50 a.m. Witnesses: control tower operator Don Weins, and two pilots for Carco. Eight large, round, bright aluminum objects flew straight and level, then darted around erratically during 25 minutes.

July 22, 1952; Uvalde, Texas. 2:46 p.m. Witness: Don Epperly, Trans Texas Airlines station manager and weather observer. One large, round, silver object flew at more than 1,000 m.p.h. for 45 seconds, while gyrating.

July 22, 1952; between Boston and Provincetown, Massachusetts. 10:47 p.m. Witnesses: pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One round blue light passed F-94, spinning.

July 22, 1952; Trenton, New Jersey. 10:50 p.m. t.o 12:45 a.m., July 23. Witnesses: crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, Del. Thirteen visual sightings and one radar tracking of blue-white lights during two hours.

July 23, 1952; Pottstown, Pennsylvania. 8:40 a.m. Witnesses: the two-man crews of three USAF F-94 jet interceptors. One large silver object, shaped like a long pear with two or three squares beneath it, flew at 150-180 kts. (170-210 m.p.h.), while a smaller object, delta-shaped or swept back, flew around it at 1,000-1,500 kts. (1,150-1,700 m.p.h.). Seen by crews for 1-4 minutes.

Bluebook Part 3

July 23, 1952; Altoona, Pennsylvania. 12:50 p.m. Witnesses: two-man crews of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors at 35-46,000' altitude. Three cylindrical objects in a vertical stack formation flew at an altitude of 50-80,000'. Seen for 20 minutes.

July 23, 1952; South Bend, Indiana. 11:35 p.m. Witness: USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth. Two bright blue-white objects flew together, then the rear one veered off after about 9 minutes.

July 24, 1952; Carson Sink, Nevada. 3:40 p.m. Witnesses: two USAF Lt. Colonels McGinn and Barton in a B-25 bomber. Three silver, delta-shaped objects, each with a ridge along the top, crossed in front of and above the B-25 at high speed, in 3-4 seconds.

July 26, 1952; Washington, D.C. 8 p.m. until after midnight. Witnesses: radar operators at several airports, airline pilots. Many unidentified blips tracked by radar all over Washington area, at varying speeds. Pilots spotted unidentified lights.

July 26, 1952; Kansas City, Missouri. 12:15 a.m. Witnesses: USAF Capt. H. A. Stone, men in control towers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport. One greenish light with red-orange flashes was seen for 1 hour as it descended in the northwest from 40* elevation to 10* elevation.

July 26, 1952; Andrews AFB, Maryland. This was a continuation of the extensive sightings and radar tracking reports reported throughout the Washington, D.C. area, all night long.

July 26, 1952; Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. 12:05 a.m. Witness: Airman lst Class J.M. Donaldson. Eight to ten orange balls in a triangular or V-formation flew very fast for 3-4 seconds.

July 26, 1952; Williams, California. Case missing from official files.

July 27, 1952; Selfridge AFB, Michigan. 10:05 a.m. Witnesses: three B-29 bomber crewmen on ground. Many round, white objects flew straight and level, very fast. Two at 10:05, one at 10:10, one at 10:15, one at 10:20. Each was seen for about 30 seconds.

July 27, 1952; Wichita Falls, Texas. 8:30 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Ellis. Two disc-shaped objects, illuminated by a phosphorus light, flew at an estimated l,000 m.p.h. for 15 seconds.

July 28, 1952; Heidelberg, West Germany. 10:20 p.m. Witnesses: Sgt. B.C. Grassmoen, WAC Pfc. A.P. Turner. One saucer-shaped object having an appearance of light metal and giving off shafts of white light, flew slow, made a 90^ turn and climbed away fast after 4-5 minutes.

July 28, 1952; McGuire AFB, New Jersey. 6 a.m. Witness: Ground Control Approach radar operator M/Sgt. W.F. Dees, and persons in the base control tower. Radar tracked a large cluster of very distinct blips. Visual observation was of oblong objects having neither wings nor tail, which made a very fast turn and at one time were in echelon formation. Entire episode lasted 55 minutes.

July 28, 1952; McChord AFB, Washington. 2:15 a.m. Witnesses: T/Sgt. Walstead, S/Sgt. Calkins of the 635th AC&W Squadron. One dull, glowing, blue-green ball,.the size of a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight and level.

July 29, 1952; Osceola, Wisconsin. 1:30 a.m. Witnesses: radar operators on ground, pilot of F-5l Mustang in flight. Several clusters of up to 10 small radar targets and one large target. Small targets moved from southwest to east at 50-60 kts. (60-70 m.p.h.), following each other. The large one moved at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.). One hour total time. Pilot confirmed one target.

July 29, 1952; Langley AFB, Virginia. 2:30 p.m. Witness: USAF Capt D.G. Moore, of military air traffic control system. One undescribed object flew at an estimated 2,600 m.p.h., below 5,000' altitude, toward the air base for about 2 minutes.

July 29, 1952; Langley AFB, Virginia. 2:50 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. Moore, Gilfillan electronics representative W.

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Поисковые теги: - уфология и палеоконтакт с научной точки зрения. (c) 2011-2024 в каталоге теперь в каталоге DMOZ
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