The Project Bluebook "Unknowns": - уфология и палеоконтакт

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The Project Bluebook "Unknowns"

  Литература, Уфология

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Yhope. One radar target tracked moving away, stopped for 2 minutes, again moved very, very fast. Four minutes.

July 29, 1952; Merced, California. 3:44 or 4:35 p.m. Witnesses: Herbert Mitchell and one employee. One dark, discus-shaped object, trailed by a silvery light 2 lengths behind, tipped on its side, dove, hesitated and then circled very fast during the 2 minute sighting.

July 29, 1952; Wichita, Kansas. 12:35 p.m. Witnesses: USAF shop employees Douglas and Hess at Municipal Airport. One bright white circular object with a flat bottom flew very fast, and then hovered 10-15 seconds over the Cessna Aircraft Co. plant, during the 5 minute sighting.

July 29, 1952; Ennis, Montana. 12:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF persons, alerted that UFOs were coming from the direction of Seattle, Wash. Two to five flat disc-shaped objects: one hovered 3-4 minutes, while the others circled it. Sighting length of 30 minutes not explained further.

July 30, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 11:02 p.m. Witness: USAF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light remained stationary for 10 minutes. No further details in files.

July 30, 1952; San Antonio, Texas. 10 a.m. Witnesses: E.E. Nye and one other person. One round, white object flew slow and then sped away after 20-30 minutes.

Aug. 1, 1952; Lancaster, California. 1:14 a.m. Witnesses: sheriff's deputies and other persons, one named Mallette. Two brilliant red lights hovered and maneuvered for 5 minutes.

Aug. 2, 1952; Lake Charles, Louisiana. 3 a.m. Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. W.A. Theil, one enlisted man. One red ball with a blue flame tail flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds.

Aug. 4, 1952; Phoenix, Arizona. 2:20 a.m. Witness: USAF A/3c W.F. Vain. One yellow ball which lengthened and narrowed to plate shape, flew straight and level for 5 minutes.

Aug. 4, 1952; Mt. Vernon, New York. 11:37 a.m. Witnesses: one woman, two children. One object, shaped like a lifesaver or donut, emitted black smoke from its top and made a 15' arc in 1.5 minutes. Observed for 2 hours.

Aug 5. 1952; Haneda AFB, Japan. 11:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A.M. Jones, and Haneda control tower operators. Airborne radar tracked a target for 90 seconds. Control tower operators watched 50-60 minutes while a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 kts. (380 m.p.h.), hovered, flew curves and performed a variety of maneuvers.

Aug. 6, 1952; Tokyo, Japan. This is a continuation of the Haneda AFB sightings.

Aug. 6, 1952; Port Austin, Michigan. Case missing from official files.

Aug. 7. 1952; San Antonio, Texas. 9:08 a.m. Witness: Mrs. Susan Pfuhl. Four glowing white discs: one made a 180* turn, one flew straight and level, one veered off, and one circled during the 70 minute sighting.

Aug. 9, 1952; Lake Charles, Louisiana. 10:50 a.m. Witness: USAF A/3c J.P. Raley. One disc-shaped object flew very fast and then hovered for 2 seconds during a 5-6 minute sighting.

Aug. 13, 1952; Tokyo, Japan. 9:45 p.m. Witness: USAF Marine Corps pilot Maj. D. McGough. One orange light flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 230 m.p.h., spiraled down to no more than 1,500', remained stationary for 2-3 minutes and went out. An attempted interception was unsuccessful.

Aug. 18, 1952; Fairfield, California. 12:50 a.m. Witnesses: three policemen. One object changed color like a diamond, and changed directions during the 30 minute sighting.

Aug. 19, 1952; Red Bluff, California. 2:38 p.m. Witness: Ground Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop. Two objects, shaped like fat bullets, flew straight and level, very fast for 25 seconds.

Aug. 20, 1952; Neffesville, Pennsylvania. 3:10 a.m. Witnesses: Bill Ford and two others. An undescribed object flew at 500' altitude for several minutes. No further data in files.

Aug. 21, 1952; Dallas, Texas. 11:54 p.m. Witness: Jack Rossen, ex-artillery observer. Three blue-white lights hovered then descended; 1.5 minutes later, one of them descended more.

Aug. 23, 1952; Akron, Ohio. 4:10 a.m. Witnesses: USAF 2nd Lt. H.K. Funseth, a ground radar observer, and two U.S. Navy men. One pulsing amber light was seen to fly straight and level for 7 minutes.

Aug. 24, 1952; Hermanas, Mexico. 10:15 a.m. Witness: Georgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnson. Two 6' silver balls in abreast formation, one turned grey rapidly, the other slowly. One changed to long grey shape during a turn. Sighting lasted about 10 minutes.

Aug. 24, 1952; Tucson, Arizona. 5:40 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. George White. One large round, metallic, white light with a vague lower surface, flew slowly, then fast With a dancing, wavering motion, for about 1 minute.

Aug. 24, 1952; Levelland, Texas. 9:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sharp. One object, shaped like a spinning top, changing color from red to yellow to blue, and with a fiery tail, hovered for 20 minutes, whistling, then flew away. It, or another like it, returned an hour later.

Aug. 25, 1952; Pittsburg, Kansas. 5:35 a.m. Witness: radio station musician William Squyres. One dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat platters, face to face, estimated at 75' long, 45' wide, and 15' thick. Through a window in the front section shone a blue light; the head and shoulders of a man could be seen. The mid section had numerous windows through which could be seen some kind of regular movement. A series of small propellers were spaced close together along the outer edge of the object, revolving at high speed. The object was hovering about 10' above the ground, 100 yards off the road, with a slight rocking motion. It then ascended vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting to fly at the same time. Vegetation showed signs of having been disturbed under the object.

Aug. 25, 1952; Holloman AFB, New Mexico. 3:40 p.m. Witnesses: civilian supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One round silver object flew south, turned and flew north, made a 360 turn and flew away vertically after 3-5 minutes.

Aug. 26, 1952; Lathrop Wells, Nevada. 12:10 a.m. Witness: USAF Capt. D.A. Woods. One large, round, very bright object with a V-shaped contrail having a dark cone in the center, flew very fast, hovered, made an instantaneous 90 turn, followed by a gentle climb and finally sudden acceleration.

Aug. 28, 1952; Chickasaw and Brookley AFB, Alabama. 9:30 p.m. Witnesses: USAF control tower operators, officer from USAF Office of Special Investigations, and others. Six objects, varying from fiery red to sparkling diamond appearance, hovered, flew erratically up and down for 1 hour and l5minutes.

Aug. 29, 1952; Colorado Springs, Colorado. 8:35 p.m. Witness: pilot C.A. Magruder.

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