Aliens in the NASA Archives: - уфология и палеоконтакт

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Aliens in the NASA Archives
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After receiving such a positive response to my first "NASA Alien Anomalies" compilation video, I decided I would do a follow-up effort, presenting a few more of my favorite anomalous audio soundbites, videos, and still images that I have archived during my years of research and investigation into this most monumental of all cover-ups.
Hopefully, you will see some new evidence here in this video that you were not aware of, as I made sure to include a few less-publicized (though in my opinion still highly compelling) images in this presentation.

I also include audio portions of another radio interview with Doctor Edgar Mitchell , Lunar Module Pilot for the Apollo 14 mission and the sixth man to walk on the Moon. This particular interview is from July of 2008, and as you will hear, Mitchell is VERY candid about the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life and of the long-term and on-going effort to conceal this information from the public. In addition to his fame as an Apollo astronaut, here is a brief look at some of Doctor Mitchell's other very impressive credentials. He is not exactly some "crazy hick farmer talking about swamp gas", now is he?


Edgar Mitchell - BIOGRAPHY

US Naval Aviator (carrier/research/test-qualified)
Instructor at the Navy's research pilot school.
Astronaut selection - 1966
Backup LMP for Apollo 10
LMP for Apollo 14 - lunar landing (Fra Mauro highlands)

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from Carnegie Mellon University,
Bachelor of Science from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School,
Doctor of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT,

Honorary Doctorates in engineering from
New Mexico State University,
the University of Akron,
Carnegie Mellon University,
and a Doctor of Science from Embry-Riddle University.

Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom,
the United States Navy Distinguished Medal,
three NASA Group Achievement Awards.
Inducted into the Space Hall of Fame in 1979
and the Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1998. 
Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.
Member of Kappa Sigma fraternity
Advisory Board Chairman of the Institute for Cooperation in Space,

Co-founder of The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) to encourage and conduct research on "human potentials".

Also, I may as well draw attention to the fact that more than once in this interview, Dr. Mitchell mentions a "60-year" timeframe for this coverup (The "Roswell Incident" was in 1947 remember), and he confirms that the reverse-engineering of advanced alien technology has been going on since then. This is VERY important for many reasons, and knowing this, you must also realize and accept that what you think may be "State Of The Art" technology in the public realm is in fact DECADES behind the true "Beyond State Of The Art" technology the military industrial complex have covertly developed and have been playing with (paid for by all of you of course!).

Also, be sure to check out Jose Escamilla's new motion picture documentary "MOON RISING", where we go into much further depth about what is, without exaggeration, the most monumental coverup in human history. You have NO idea what you have been missing!

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Поисковые теги: UFO НЛО НАСА пришельцы в космосе космос нлонафты Edgar Mitchell Эдгар Митчел архив Луна Moon - уфология и палеоконтакт с научной точки зрения. (c) 2011-2024 в каталоге теперь в каталоге DMOZ
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