UFO Hunters (Season two): Vimana.su - уфология и палеоконтакт

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UFO Hunters (Season two)

  Видеоматериалы, Уфология

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Invasion Illinois

The team reviews a 2004 Tinley Park, Illinois UFO mass-sighting event where some eyewitnesses claim seeing three separate objects, while others believe it was a single triangular craft over 1500 feet wide.


UFO Emergency

The hunters reopen famous police cold-cases involving mass UFO sightings such as the 1994 Trumbull County, Ohio and Holland, Michigan sightings and the 2000 Millstadt, Illinois case where 911 dispatchers were flooded with calls and police radio chatter of strange lights moving slowly through the sky.

Heartland Explosion

The team investigates an April 16, 2008 Kokomo, Indiana report of a high decibel boom that echoed across the heartland and was supposedly followed by sightings of a fiery object in the night sky.

Aurora First Contact

The team researches the story of the 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO crash where the townsfolk are rumored to have tossed the ship wreckage down a well and buried the body of the non-human pilot in their local cemetery.

The Real Roswell

The team looks into rumors of the crash site of a flying disk recovered by the military in New Mexico on the same night of the famous Roswell UFO Incident.

Arizona Lights

The hunters join Out of the Blue filmmaker James Fox on an investigation of an April 21, 2008 mass-sighting report of a triangular craft spotted over the Nevada/Arizona border to as far as Tucson and looks at connections to the "Phoenix Lights" incident of 1997.

Lost UFO Files

The team delves into the University of Arizona archives to review the notes of late UFO investigator James E. McDonald and brings to light his research and evidence that has lain dormant since his death in 1971.

Alien Fallout

The investigators take a look at close encounters of the second kind, such as the December 29, 1980 case of Betty Cash, and Vickie and Colby Landrum, who claimed they encountered a fiery object hovering over a road that emitted intense heat and allegedly left them suffering symptoms of radiation exposure.

UFO Storm

The team joins UFO researcher Nick Pope and investigates a recent wave of UFO hysteria in the United Kingdom which started soon after the Ministry of Defense released formerly classified documents in May 2008.

Giant UFOs

The team probes the skies over England following an airline pilot's official report of a pair of UFOs he believed to be at least a mile in length, and a review of other sightings of gigantic unidentified craft seen over the United States.

Aliens at the Airport

The hunters investigate the growing number of encounters between commercial aircraft and UFOs, highlighting a November 2006 incident at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and a 2004 sighting in Osaka, Japan.

Alien Crashes

The hunters try to find what the military covered up in a recent May 2008 crash of an unknown object in Needles, California, and looks at other famous crash incidents like the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania case where the military supposedly undertook a massive clean up effort and intimidated local witnesses.

Area 51 Revealed

The team finds new vantage points to spy on the recent activity at Area 51, which in the past decade has acquired more public lands to increase perimeter security, and built new towers, buildings and runways for the continued development of top secret aircraft.

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Поисковые теги: Invasion Illinois UFO Emergency Heartland Explosion Aurora First Contact The Real Roswell Arizona Lights Lost UFO Files Alien Fallout UFO Storm Giant UFOs Aliens at the Airport Alien Crashes Area 51 Revealed
VIMANA.su - уфология и палеоконтакт с научной точки зрения. (c) 2011-2024 VIMANA.su в каталоге VIMANA.su теперь в каталоге DMOZ
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